8 Hidden Profits- In Depth Look
8 Hidden Profit Vampires
You work hard, pay your people and your bills, but there is too little profit left over. You know labor, material, insurance, fuel, and other costs are rising, but did you know about these profit vampires? Attend this session to learn how to identify these killers and how to defeat them. We will look at real world examples, and you will leave with tools necessary to help you make more money.
Class Instructor: Frank Zahna
Frank Zehna is a 30-year veteran of the General Contracting and Roofing industry. As former owner of Christian Roofing & Remodeling, a Qualified Remodeler “Best Place to Work” and Remodeling Magazine’s “Big 50, and Master Elite status from GAF. He sold his company in 2017.
Frank now works with Christian Roofing and speaks and consults primarily in the construction/roofing industry and leads Best Practice round table discussions around the country. Frank brings not only his own expertise and perspective, but also the experiences of those with whom he has consulted.
Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Registration: 8:45am
Class Begins: 9am
AAHBA Office
1651 Meriweather Drive
Watkinsville, Ga 30677
AAHBA Members $150
Other HBA members: $175
Non- HBA members: $200